Don't waste another year with mindless scrolling! Make this year a year of achievement, Big goals, and memories. Don't be a NPC be the main character this year. Dream it, PLANIT, Do it!
  • Fitness

    Fitness huge calendar on your wall! Get that dream bod this year. Keep your self on a schedule, stay accountable to your self and others with BIG Planit

  • Travel

    Dreamed of Europe? Italy? Gelato? How about the Alps? Ricolla and lederhosen all day long? We've allbeen there in our dreams but this is the year to PLANIT D***IT!

  • New Hobbie

    I once heard this quote from Hendrix and it went something like this..."I would have never gotten where I did it if it wasn't for the huge full year calendar I got at 14." At least that's how I heard it.

  • Finance

    "The best budgeting tool since the calculator"

    - David Ramsey (knockoff Dave Ramsey, We also have budget goals)

  • Adventure

    It's out there. Will this year pass you by? Are you satisfied with watching the tube at home, living vicariously through red bull sponsored kids? You shouldn't be.

  • Connect

    When we die I hope it looks less like a twitter fight and more like family parties, date nights, and hanging with the kids. Make this year that slice of heaven.

How are you using the calendar?